I grew up in a reasonably small town in Illinois, where the pace was deliberate in a comforting way, yet not too predictable. My hobbies included a steady “diet” of classic science fiction TV shows, which sparked my interest in the genre at an early age. I had an interest in all things scientific throughout high school and through my first year or so of college, and always assumed I would be an astronomer or biologist or some-such someday. It was when I took a few English classes only because they were required for graduation that I discovered something astonishing; I had an even greater interest in literature, particularly fiction writing. Science encourages discovery, of course; writing fiction does too. It's a more personal kind of discovery, fiction writing is, and like science discoveries that add to our understanding of nature, good fiction adds to our understanding of the human condition and can have just as a significant an impact on our lives. My first book, An Audience for Einstein, has gained remarkable success and I appreciate all of the support.

1 comment:

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    Adriana Lucas
    lsarkard AT gmail.com
